DynamixelForUnity V1.0.1 is Released

HatsuMuv would like to announce the release of V1.0.1 or the DynamixelForUnity Plug-In, which is a versatile plug-in for the Unity Engine, enabling seamless integration and control of robots based on Robotis Servomotors.

Beside some code fixes, the update brings the following new Unity Example Scenes:

  1. Motion Recorder and Play Back Example Scene, enabling users to record and playback robot motion without writing any code within Unity game engine.

  2. Digital Twin Example Scene, which shows you how to read robot posture and visualize it digitally within Unity game engine. This example is based on Robotis OpenManipulator-X.


You can download and try the latest version of DynamixelForUnity for free from here:  https://www.hatsumuv.com/en/service/dynamixelforunity




Hatsuki will be Sanyo Denki’s limited-time ambassador at the 2023 International Robot Exhibition (IREX)!


HatsuMuv participated RSJ Annual Conference at Sendai, Japan