Pursuing technology and beauty to create the world's best Character Idol Robot “Cutieroid”

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A Physical Realization of Idol Robot
Name: Hatsuki
Born in Japan
Birthday:Nov. 14th
Twitter HashTag: #HatsukiChanKawaii,

Mastering both beauty and technology
We bring the excitement of 2D to life in the real world

HatsuMuv Mission
To create an Experience beyond digital dimensions and into reality.
Pursuing technology, beauty and Robotics,
Utilizing animation and AI technology to create new tangible experiences.
It is not a dream or science fiction,
We can make them real !
HatsuMuv Value
Mastery of Art and Beauty
Whether you are an engineer, researcher, or creator, let's create the best of the best by focusing on technology and beauty as well as performance.
Let's not end up imagining it, but challenging it with passion!
Let us create something that moves you with emotion, challenge yourself seriously to create, and you will succeed.
Respect each other and co-create the future.
Let's join hands with experts in various industries and fields to build a great future with dreams.